Rapid file recovery

Recovers ransomware-encrypted files
No backups needed for recovery
Restores data after ransomware attacks

Rapid File Recovery

The objective of a ransomware perpetrator is to extract a ransom payment.

The chances that a ransomware payment will be made increases if backups can be deleted or destroyed. There is then little option but to pay the ransom in order to recover data and systems.

MemCrypt offers another way.

Once ransomware or unauthorised encryption activity is detected, MemCrypt’s patent pending agent extracts elements of the process memory which can be autoamtically analysed to identify the cryptographic artefacts that can be used to decrypt the file.

Recover files immediately - without paying a ransom

MemCrypt identifies the files locked by ransomware and decrypts them at the click of a button, avoiding data loss and minimising disruption.

Decryption activity, if it’s required, can commence immediately. There is no lengthy negotiation or delay whilst decryptors are provided offline. MemCrypt identifies the cryptographic artefacts required to decrypt by inspecting computer memory at the point of the original malware encryption activity.

Recover files immediately without data loss or backup required.

Recover files in minutes without data loss. No backup required.